Freitag, 14. November 2008


Skin: !!{bazy} adriana skin (time limited offer for 1L$)
Hair: -Hiccup- Alana - Light Blonde
Shirt: Tres Blah - black collared top
Pants: Tres Blah - Juju Jeans - feeling blue
Boots: Maitreya - Billow Boots - Black
Scarf: {Zaara} Pashmina Shawl *peach & cream*
Sunglasses: primOptic glasses - Canel
Bag: Paper Couture - The Hapsburg Bag onyx
Bracelets: Armidi Gisaci - Metallic Tres Bangles - Steel
Watch: *chronokit* watch no.25 *Archerio*

1 Kommentar:

Beryl Landar hat gesagt…

I love this look. The scarf is very nice.